Tuesday, August 30, 2011



From diverse tribes in Luzon and Mindanao we come together in a place where everybody is a stranger...
The first question was “Do I belong to this place with this people I have just met?" 
It has been a struggle to each one of us how to find our own place just to feel at home...
SILENCE: this was the most common temperature in the beginning of our Pamulaan adventure. 
Everyone has his\her own world. Everybody concentrates on his\her own dilemma from home, to her new environment and to her burden of thinking what does his\her future maybe...
From 34 individuals we had the first heart broken when one of our friend leave us with a hurtful reality that no one can stop... WHO CRIES? Everyone does... I believe everybody had this feeling of pain inside...
Some cry out loud and others just savoring the painful event inside their chest...
We never cried living home, but in this moment we do... How innocent thy heart to be broken after a semester and a half of happy moments together.
We felt betrayed but we know in ourselves that everything was just right, and it’s just the matter of accepting that we do not own anything...
No one knows that this event will enlighten ever mind of the real essence of being here... We are now then awaken from a dream of a child. We are here because we are called to do some mission in the future and we are not here to become the burdens of our friends, community, parents and everyone who trusted us.
This time we had savor the pain and loneliness but we haven't appreciate its result... there we see how important is a person is, there we realized that it took somebody to sacrifice in order for everyone to be more responsible and be a good individual as he have the role of a servant leader.
Peace Education?
 A question that fills every mind, not just you but also we as Peace Education students... Are we ready to face the challenge of being a Peace Builder?
Hoyuhoy sa Kalinaw
In the beginning it has been a puzzle for us, that we find difficult to answer, but through the years the question had been our inspiration in finding our own self... Who was left? 24 from 34
We believe the reason why we are a stronger person of today is because we learned to love and appreciate Peace Education... 
What’s inside peace education that changes our minds and hearts that made us a better person of yesterday? The answer was not because of the theories that they taught us, but because they taught us to open our hearts and find the significance of our living. This is the role played by Pamulaan in our respective lives.
It seems to be so difficult for us, as beginners, in journeying the path that we don’t know the destination. Our minds were filled with questions that we know we can never answer if we will not find the real meaning why we are here?
At the age of 16 to 20 were still young talking about how to be a peaceful person, with our family backgrounds and the experiences we had in the past we haven’t expect that we are now making our dreams a reality.
the valentines tour at DCTRCDD
Maybe we have different answers in the question What’s peace education for you? But I truly believe that we have the same goal of attaining a peaceful and harmonious living between people of diverse culture and religion, between different principles and between different interests.

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